I love this bad boy. I’ve been known to do it in some random spots (festivals, shopping centres...) because it makes my lower back feel so so much better!
I injured my lower back a few years ago, so it’s usually the first body part to cause me pain. Interestingly the theory is lower back pain can come from feeling unsatisfied in your life, anger, or in women hormonal problems. I’ve had problems with all of these things for a long time.
While the cause lower back pain physically can often be very easy to pin point, everything else is not so easy to narrow down, and it can often be one of the hardest parts of your body to heal.
Since embarking on my adventures in 2018, my lower back has surprisingly been the best it’s been in a long long time. This year I finally felt my dreams becoming a reality, no matter how cliche that sounds, this journey to complete my yoga teacher training in India, and adventure to Europe, has been the single only thing I have dreamt of, longed for and imagined for so many years. Funnily enough I felt completely unsettled from having constants and stabilities in my life, because I felt so unsatisfied or fulfilled by it. These days my lower back only gives me grief at times after 20 of kilometres of walking a day, not enough Yoga, and after too many hours sitting down on buses, which is fair.
Emotions are far from just a psychological thing, they are physiological to the very core! (Pun intended a little there). Listen to your body then ask it why it’s feeling a certain way. Consider the body part and if you can genuinely pinpoint a physical reason, or if it is something you need to consider on a deeper level.