“I can’t do yoga I’m not flexible enough, I can’t even touch my toes”...the most common excuse you hear from people, but really it is like saying that you can’t learn to drive because you have only ever sat in the passenger seat. Bet none of you said that when you finally got behind the wheel, did you?
You aren’t just magically capable of doing something innately. Sure we all have unique natural gifts, physical capabilities and talents, but it doesn’t mean even the most gifted people don’t train and work their butts off to achieve something!
Everyone's bodies are different, sure you can't touch your toes, but perhaps you can slam dunk a basketball without thinking twice. Never compare yourself to others and have that as your bench mark for your own beginning, you don't know anything about their journey. Yoga is about arriving on your mat, focusing on you, your breath, your desires and your moment. If you truly want to achieve something you will find the motivation to show true dedication to a regular practice to gain that flexibility!
Yoga is for everyone, you just have to find your path to it. No two peoples journey's will ever be the same, and you don't HAVE to like yoga! But taking small lessons such as mindfulness or gentle stretching from it will certainly do you no harm!
Try to touch your toes every single day for 5 minutes. You’ll notice the difference by the end of the week. Then suck it up princess and go to Yoga! Give it a go.